Investments & Pensions

Lets Work Together

Finding a suitable savings vehicle for your specific needs and sentiments

The world of investing can seem alien to many. It is often plugged with unnecessary jargon and confusion, which can seem very off-putting. I pride myself in working in a very down to earth and friendly way with my clients, to help them work out a good home for their hard-earned.

Inflation can be a significant risk to the buying power of your money over time. A detailed appraisal of your tax position, wider assets, emergency funding and attitude towards investment risk can help identify what might be suitable for you. Whether you’re a cautious type, more adventurous, or anything in-between, there’s a potential to make more of your situation and add value to your planning.

It might be that you already have an investment or pension scheme and want to review the suitability and effectiveness of its structure in relation to your long term plans.


There is a reason why Adam is rated 5 stars. He took over from my old IFA – who I had for 20 years plus. Straight away I knew he was big on putting clients first. He helped me navigate to a much better return for my pension pots. But that isn’t the half of it…Through Adam’s thoroughness, he helped me discover that I’d wrongly been denied a lump sum payment on a critical illness policy – when I had been in bad health.

A Taylor March 2019

Important Notices

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.